A.I.R. to virtually stage Teatro de primera mano para tiempos nuevos (First-hand Theatre for New Times)
[Image Description: On a black background, dark blue text reads the name of the play “Teatro de primera mano para tiempos nuevos (First-hand Theatre for New Times),” the date “April 21,” and the names of the artists which are out side the blue square” Liliana Porter and Ana Tiscornia.”]
Made remotely between between Buenos Aires, New Paltz, and Rhinebeck following the implementation of quarantines worldwide in March 2020, Teatro de primera mano para tiempos nuevos is a play for cell phones by Liliana Porter and Ana Tiscornia. Collaborating with a collective of 10 Argentine actors—who have been featured in Liliana and Ana's work before—as well as with composer Sylvia Meyer, the project is a humorous and heartwarming document of creativity and continued practice in a time of quarantine.
Join us at 7PM on April 21st for a screening of the 20-minute play followed by a question and answer-period with the writers and directors, Liliana Porter and Ana Tiscornia.
RSVP by 10am on April 21 here.