Recess: "Closing the Manipura Sanctum: Folded Hands Full of Flowers, a performance by Smita Sen" - 8/5/21
[Image Description: A person with long hair in a single braid wears a white gown and stands in water, making their body a gesture to the environment before them.]
Closing the Manipura Sanctum: Folded Hands Full of Flowers,
a performance by Smita Sen
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Register here
To close the Sanctum with gratitude and celebration, Sen welcomes all to share their voices and stories. With an open mic-style structure, all who have been a part of the Sanctum are welcome to share their creative expression of what caregiving has meant for them in this turbulent pandemic year. Alongside these final offerings, Sen closes the Sanctum by honoring the foundations of the land, expressing gratitude for those who have been a part of the work and those to come, and rooting the Sanctum’s evolution in the years to come.
The Manipura Sanctum, by artist Smita Sen, is a metamorphosing installation is devoted to caregivers of all styles, and to communing with the public about the realities of community-driven healthcare. The Sanctum is a realm that not only praises care providers, but undertakes the labor of generating public wellness. It offers balance, attention, and regeneration to all visitors who cross its threshold and seek relief in its embrace.
For more information on this event, please click here.